Crystals can collect negative energy, so it’s important to cleanse and charge them regularly. There are many ways you can do this, here are our favourites:
Cleansing your crystals: Burn either Palo Santo or sage smudge, and hold your crystal in the smoke to clear the negative energy. Alternatively you can use other crystals by placing small crystals onto powerful crystals like selenite, which has powerful cleansing and purifying properties.
Cleansing the home: Negative and stagnant energy can sometimes build up in the home or work space. Burning sage, palo Santo or incense is a really effective way of clearing this energy, and bringing positive vibes in return. Once you’ve lit your smudge stick (or palo Santo) move the smoke firstly around yourself. Open all the windows and doors to let the air flow through. Holding the smudge walk around the edge of the rooms using the smoke to cleanse the space. You could repeat ’I only allow positive energy in our space'.